Reiss Profile

Reiss Profile Berlin | Business Coach Ellen Pachabeyan
Reiss Profile Berlin | Business Coach Ellen Pachabeyan

The Reiss Motivation Profile is a tool that explores the reasons for our actions, and captures the dimensions of individual personalities. This psychological test method was developed by Dr. Steven Reiss in the 1990s and has been used in various sectors in Europe for more than 20 years.

Are you interested in using the Reiss Profile for yourself or your team? Please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your benefits from Reiss Profile

  • The resulting personality profile is as individual as a fingerprint and allows a highly differentiated interpretation of an individual’s motivation, values and behavior.
  • Working with the Reiss Motivation Profile usually leads to a better understanding of oneself.
  • Individuals who are more aware of themselves can tap into their individual performance potential  and become more content.
  • As a manager, you can act authentically and come across more convincingly if you are in tune with your personality. 
  • The Reiss Motivation Profile also gives you a better understanding of how different from each other individuals can be
  • This is helpful for steering clear of conflict and for improving our relationships.

How to get your Reiss Profile

  1. First, you will complete the Reiss Profile Test online. This will take approx. 30 minutes. There is an anonymous, computer-aided evaluation on the basis of which a personality profile is composed.
  2. The next step is a detailed consultation with me in my capacity as certified and licensed Reiss Profile Master. We will discuss the findings from your individual profile.

Reasons for using the Reiss Profile

During a session especially devoted to the subject, you can learn how to use the Reiss Motivation Profile as an effective tool for self-management, for your leadership topics or as an instrument for stress management. It's an excellent starting point for beginning a coaching process, especially when contemplating a career change or exploring your professional potential.

There is a special version available which was designed for business environments. The Reiss Motivation Profile is ideal for initiating team development processes of a completely new quality.

Reiss Profile Berlin | Business Coach Ellen Pachabeyan
Reiss Profile Berlin | Business Coach Ellen Pachabeyan

“The initial question of my own relationality was a very difficult one for me. By working with the Reiss Motivation Profile, I gained better understanding for my own motives, and the ensuing biography work helped me recognize a number of rigid concepts I continued to work on over the course of the coaching. I’ve been experiencing changes in my personal life, which feels a lot more open, playful and fulfilled than before.

Working with the REISS Motivation Profile also made me realize that my reluctance to buy property isn’t merely due to my being lazy, but is rooted in the fact that I don’t really care about material possessions. I found this very liberating, and I am now open to finding different ways of using my financial resources, in a way that seems meaningful and fulfilling for me.”

client, male, 42

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