Career Orientation

Career Orientation Berlin | Ellen Pachabeyan
Career Orientation Berlin | Ellen Pachabeyan

A career orientation process focusses on your interests, values and goals in order to find a direction and a framework that suits you and in which you can work with motivation and commitment.

Develop your roadmap for the future

It can be helpful to take a closer look at your previous career decisions and to understand how you got to the place you are today.
Career orientation enables you to tackle questions that you are stuck on in a structured way and develop a strategy for the next phase of your life.

Together we can use a number of different methods, such as the Reiss Motivation Profile, a work-life-map, Zürcher Resource Model (ZRM) and decision techniques.

Your benefits from career orientation

  • assessing your current situation and creating a new, stable foundation for the next steps
  • defining you competencies, stenghths and hidden resources and potential
  • identifying individual life goals and finding ways to work towards them
  • incorporating your professional and your life goals
  • developing new clarity and energy in your actions
  • defining concrete steps for change and finding the courage and strength to face them

Are you interested in coaching for career orientation? You are welcome to make an appointment.

Read more about re-orientation here: Professional Crises, Professional Potential, Career Farewell.

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