Coach and Trainer Profile

Coach and Trainer Profile | Ellen Pachabeyan Berlin
Coach and Trainer Profile | Ellen Pachabeyan Berlin

Qualifications and Further Education

  • Master's degree in Psychology, University of Constance
  • Master's degree in Music Therapy, Hochschule der Künste, Berlin
  • Counseling Psychology / Graduate Program, University of Massachusetts/ Boston, USA
  • Integral Coach/Business Coach, Integral Coach Academy, Berlin
  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coaching Federation
  • Profit by Difference. Coaching nach Dr. Modler®, Freiburg
  • Certified Trainer, Competence on top, Berlin
  • Certified Live-Online-Trainer, Inga Geisler, Germany
  • Team developer/Team coach, Competence on top, Cologne 
  • Train-the-Trainer Stress Management with Prof. G. Kaluza, Marburg
  • Training for Emotional Skills with Prof. M. Berking, Marburg
  • Corporate Health Management, Deutsche Psychologen Akademie, Berlin 
  • Reiss Profile Master, Reiss Profile Germany GmbH, Berlin 

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    Professional Background

    • Member of a number of coach and trainer collectives catering to various industries, public service institutions and non-profit organizations
    • 2010 – 2014 lecturer and associate coach at the Coaching Center Berlin
    • 2008 – 2014 lecturer and coach at the European Leadership Academy Berlin
    • As of 2006, independent personal & business coach, trainer and consultant with an established coaching practice in Berlin
    • 1997 – 2005 clinical psychologist for music therapy and psychotherapy

    Working Languages

    German and English

    Personal Info

    Born in 1969 to German-Armenian parents. Grew up in Southern Germany at Lake Constance close to the Swiss border.
    Home base in Berlin since 1996. Married with two daughters.